Portfolio Select Series consists of four underlying pools that are used to construct nine efficient portfolios. The program is backed by two levels of expertise:
  • Strategic asset allocation

    CI Multi-Asset ManagementCI Multi-Asset Management combines its portfolio construction expertise with comprehensive research and recommendations from State Street Global Advisors, a world leader in asset allocation, to create the portfolios. This research goes beyond historical returns to embrace a forward-looking framework.
  • Tactical portfolio management

    Portfolio Select Series offers you the expertise of award-winning portfolio managers with proven track records, including Cambridge Global Asset Management, Harbour Advisors and Signature Global Asset Management. These managers, through their specialized mandates, have the discretion and opportunities to add value using day-to-day tactical actions through stock selection and sector allocation.

This expertise is combined with other leading features, making it applicable for all account types, especially non-registered accounts, given the tax efficiency of the CI Corporate Class structure and the flexibility to easily customize a portfolio to meet different needs.


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